Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Break's Best Accomplishment

So I didn't go anywhere or do anything special, but I've had a GREAT Spring Break.  I got TONS of stuff accomplished in the theatre world:  1) I finished the KidsPlay playbill (yes, Heidi, I left room for those couple of ads); 2) I made Aubree a cute little purple and white cheerleading outfit, complete with a fried egg appliqued on the front; 3) I made Reuben a dog costume; 4) I'm most of the way through a pond costume (don't ask); 5) I got the entire set painted; 6) and the decorations for the set cut out; 7) I got my camp plays scanned (huge accomplishment). And I'm sure there are other things that aren't jumping to mind right now--poems started and partial articles written.

I got stuff done here at home--I got Ben's room cleaned up.  You have no idea what a task this was.  Picture 6" deep of Legos, collector cards and fast food toys.  I didn't necessarily get it put away, but all boxed up in five (count 'em) large plastic bins.  They're taking up space in the garage now, but at least they're off the floor and contained.

I spent time with the family.  We did some shopping.  We took in a couple museums:  the Glick Indiana History Center, which was pretty cool.  We went to see their "You Are There" features, one of which was Bobby Kennedy giving a short speech in Indianapolis on the day MLK was shot.  It was pretty moving, and I actually got tears in my eyes.  We also went down to Circle Center Mall, ate at Johnny Rocket's, and walked around some.  We also enjoyed the costume exhibit at the Children's Museum.  We watched a lot of movies at home--stupid stuff and good stuff--with our friend Corey, and watched some good basketball.  Nice 'home-time' together.

But I guess my happiest accomplishment is that I read two books.  I call myself a reader, but I don't read that much anymore.  Sadly, I'm too busy.  And if I do read, it's a script.  And that's fine, but I miss it.  I see books I'd like to read if I ever got some down time.  I'm very busy these days...two shows in production, another one going on at the high school, laying the groundwork for my summer teen show and the day camp...but I MADE the time.  I read A Thousand Splendid Suns and Water for Elephants.  Both were really good and I enjoyed them a LOT.  I miss reading.  Note to self:  make time.  MAKE time.

So tomorrow, we start back to our normal busy-ness routine.  Rehearsals four nights next week, photos on Thursday with KidsPlay.  Busy, busy.  But I will be sure to have a book with me in the 'Spare Time' bag.  ;-)